Reiki Healing

Reiki and Energy Healing

Energy healing practice helps restoring a balance between the flow of energy within the body, the mind and the spirit. The energy healing practice helps in breaking energy blocks which help stimulate, the inherent healing ability of the body.
Reiki is a stress reduction technique that originated in Japan that promotes healing. The method is applied by “laying on hands” approach. Its basis is on the principle that there is invisible life force energy flowing through the human body and it’s what supports life.
In a case where “life force energy” is low, we are more prone to ailments and stress, but if it is high, we are likely to feel happy and healthier. Reiki on its own is safe, natural and straightforward self-improvement technique helpful in enhancing healing of a host of illnesses. Reiki if combined with other therapeutic methods helps relieve side effects and stimulates recovery.

What is Reiki?

Reiki is an old Japanese method which promotes emotional and mental healing.
Reiki is usually very personal experience, and its done in person, however there are ways a client can receive distance Reiki. Distance Reiki session is done from the comfort of your home and a practitioner sends Reiki healing energy to a client from a distance. Distance healing can be send to a person with powerful results. Reiki practitioner connects energetically with a person who is receiving Reiki energy. After the initial session has done, Reiki practitioner is on the call for a consultation after the session.